Recurrence Relations & Time Complexities

Josh Arnold
3 min readApr 20, 2021

Recurrence Relations

Here’s how I figure out the time complexity of recursive functions. First, you need to figure out the recurrence relation. It usually takes this form.

T(N) = X * T(Y) + Z
  • A := The number of recursive calls in your function
  • B := The “input” into your recursive calls
  • C := The “work” done inside your function

Let’s take the following code as an example, from the coin change problem.

def recurse(target):
if target < 0: return float('inf')
if target == 0: return 0
return 1 + min([
recurse(target-coin) for coin in coins

Here’s what the recurrence relation would become:

T(N) = len(coins) * T(N - min(coins)) + O(len(coins))

This might seem kind of arbitrary, but let’s take a look:

  • I define coins as the coins array
  • I define N as the amount variable
  • Thus, we call the recuse function, len(coins) times, as shown by the code, for coin in coins
  • We do recurse(target-coin) , so really, if we’re talking worst case, it's subtracting the minimum valued coin from the target, so that’s why we do N-min(coins)
  • Finally, since we call min([...]) in our function, that’s O(len(C)) work right there.

Since we’re talking “worst case” time complexity, we can approximate all of this into a simple:

T(N) = N * T(N - 1) + O(N)

We can define N loosely as: max(amount, len(coins)), for our purpose, it achieves our goal nicely.

Recurrence Relation → Time Complexity

Now, how do we go from a recurrence relation to a time complexity? let’s abstract this, starting with our previous definition:

T(N) = X * T(Y) + Z

Basically, we’re simply doing the following:

O(N) = X^(Y) * Z

Now, Y will typically be one of the following:

  • n-1 or n-c , where c is a constant
  • n / 2 or n / c , where c is a constant

Now, n-c is pretty much going to map to O(n) , whilst n/c is going to map to log_c(n)

That’s really it!

If we follow through with our previous example:

T(N) = N * T(N - 1) + O(N)

This is what we get:

N^(N-1) * N = O(N^N)

So, our time complexity from the previous recursive function can have an upper bound of O(N^N) , where N is min(len(coins), amount) .

In terms of the space complexity, I believe you can do exactly the same as previously mentioned but just don’t multiple the Z term. So we’d be talking about an O(N^(N-1)) space complexity in our previous example.


What if we added memoization, perhaps through a method such as:


My general approximation is this:

  • Multiply the size of each of the inputs by the work done inside the function

Thus, in our previous example, we have one input, amount , with size N . The work done inside of the function can be approximated by N also.

Thus, we simply to O(N*N) = O(N^2) as an upper bound using memoization.

In terms of space complexity, you can just multiply each of the size of the inputs together: O(N) in this case!


Hopefully, this article has shown how you can quickly approximate most recursive function time-complexities. These ideas give you an upper bound, but not always a tight-upper bound. I like to use this method in technical interviews if I’m asked the time complexity of a recursive function. Overall, these methods are heuristics and not precise.

